Metodički ogledi 20 (2/2004)



Poticanje dječje socijalne kompetencije putem konteksta dječjeg zajedničkog stvaranja lutkarske predstave (str. 9-19)
The Stimulation of Childrens Social Competence through the Context of Their Joint Creation of Puppet Plays
Ivon Hicela

Igra uloga i dječja osobnost (str. 21-38)
role-play and child personality
Zlatko Ivan Juras

Kakvo filozofije u odgoju danas (odgajanje, dodirivanje slike – metafizika umjetnosti) (str. 39-50)
Education, Touching the Picture (the Metaphysics of Art)
Marko Tokić

Obrazovanje potrošača (str. 51-67)
Education of Consumers
Alen Tafra

Ljudska prava i odgoj – filozofski i etički temelji (str. 69-78)
the Human Rights and Education – Philosophical and Ethical Foundations
Milena Radovan Burja


Filozofija matematike i prirodnih znanosti u nastavi tehničkih i prirodoslovno-matematičkih fakulteta (str. 81-94)
The Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Education of Technical Faculties and Faculties of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Dževad Zečić

Neke paradigme za uspješnu nastavu i usmjeravanje učenja u matematici (str. 95-110)

Some Paradigms for the Successful Teaching and Orienting the Learning of Mathematics
Vladimir Kadum

Teze za novu dokimološku paradigmu (str. 111-116)
Thesis for a New Paradigm of the System of Markimg in Schools
Radojko Damjanović