Sadržaj (str. 1-2)
Contents (str. 2-2)
Inhalt (str. 2-2)
Bioethical and Criminal Law Responses to the Specificity of the Criminal Offense of Trafficking in Parts of Human Body (str. 33-33)
Ana Jeličić, Nevena Aljinović
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Bioethical and Legal Aspects of Mandatory Vaccination in the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights (str. 52-52)
Aleksandar Todorović, Tanja Todorović
Prethodno priopćenje
Perspectives of Legal and Bioethical Considerations from the Standpoint of Medical Law (str. 66-67)
Hajrija Mujović
Pregledni rad
Terminological Determination of the Term Euthanasia – Legal, Bioethical and Medical-Procedural Implications (str. 86-86)
Tomislav Nedić, Lada Zibar, Borko Baraban
Pregledni rad
Artificial Intelligence and Selected Aspects of Criminal Law. On Some Challenges for Contemporary Legal Culture (str. 102-103)
Josip Berdica, Barbara Herceg Pakšić
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Freedom of Contract in the Context of Contracts of Adhesion, with the Emphasis on Online Contracts (str. 129-129)
Dubravka Klasiček
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Prolegomena for the Determination and Positioning of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Nihilism (str. 152-152)
Tomislav Bunoza, Stjepan Radić
Prethodno priopćenje
Is a Particular Platonic Argument Threatened by the “Weak” Objectivity of Mathematics? (str. 164-164)
Vladimir Drekalović
Pregledni rad
Žensko suučesništvo (str. 165-187)
Boško Pešić (ur.): Bulletin of Student Papers in Philosophy. Existentialism(str. 193-195)
Tomislav Berbić
Recenzija, prikaz
Damir Barbarić: Drugi početak. Mišljenje s Heideggerom(str. 195-199)
Vanja Brkljač
Recenzija, prikaz
Ivo Pilar: Borba za vrijednost svoga »ja«. Pokus filozofije slavenskog individualizma(str. 202-206)
Ivan Smiljanić
Recenzija, prikaz
Ankica Čakardić: Ustajte, prezrene na svijetu. Tri eseja o Rosi Luxemburg(str. 206-209)
Katarina Jelušić
Recenzija, prikaz